Smart repeater units – PRG VL6C+ User Manual
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Smart Repeater Units
The Smart Repeater processing units combine electrical power and data signals from different sources and provide it
for up to six VL6C+ Spot Luminaires via a single connector to each luminaire.
Smart Repeater features:
Receives Virtuoso® or Series 200 data signal, and AC power for electronics through standard, 9-pin Series 200
lamp cable from ACS rack and sends it to connected luminaires.
Receives lamp power from conventional dimmers or APS6/C3 power supply modules through standard Socapex-
type 19-pin lighting connector and sends it to connected luminaires.
Provides a thumbwheel switch for setting the starting address for the six luminaire outputs.
Provides Broadcast and Reply LEDs to monitor data traffic.
Contains test software for Series 300 luminaires.
Attaches to truss or pipes with two truss hooks and a safety cable.
Operates up to six VARI
LITE VL5, VL5Arc, VL5B, VL6, or VLM luminaires; one on each output connector.
Operates VL6C+ Luminaires on a limited basis. When using multiple combinations involving the VL6C, use the
point system indicated below. Combinations of luminaires connected to the Smart Repeater unit should not
exceed 6 points.
VL5 = 1 point
VL5Arc = 1 point
VL6 = 1 point
VL6B = 2 points
VL6C / VL6C+ = 2 points
Accepts DMX512 protocol from DMX control desks and translates it to Series 300 comm for DMX control of
LITE luminaires.
Two versions of the unit are available: a standard Smart Repeater unit and a Smart Repeater Plus unit. The standard
unit can operate any of the Series 300 luminaires with the exception of the VARI
LITE VL7, VL7B, and VL7U
luminaires, which can only be operated with a Smart Repeater Plus unit.
Smart Repeater Plus Unit
The Smart Repeater Plus unit has the ability to operate all Series 300
luminaires including the VL7 series spot luminaires, which require
additional power not available with the standard Smart Repeater unit.
Operation and functionality of the Smart Repeater Plus unit is identical
to the standard unit, with the addition of an active DMX512 termination
switch and fan cooling. The Smart Repeater Plus unit can control up to
six VL7, VL7B or VL7U luminaires.