Potter PFC-7501 User Manual
Page 6

Programming Menu
There are 8 programming menu items from which to choose:
Menu Item
Section in this guide
Remote Options
System Options
Output Options
Zone Information
Set Lockout Code
To select a section for programming, press any top row Select keys when the keypad displays the name of that section.
Detailed instructions for each programming step are found in sections 2 through 9 of this guide.
Programmer Lockout Codes
Although the PFC-7500/PFC-7501 panels allow you to enter the built-in Programmer without a lockout code, you may
wish to program one to restrict programming access to only those persons your company authorizes. You can do this by
using the SET LOCKOUT CODE feature at the end of the programming menu.
Programming a Lockout Code
1. After entering the Programmer menu, the keypad displays PROGRAMMER. Press the COMMAND key to
advance through the programming sections until SET LOCKOUT CODE displays (after Stop).
2. Press any top row Select key. At the ENTER CODE: - display, enter a 3 to 5-digit programmer lockout code.
3. The display shows ENTER AGAIN. Enter the same lockout code again and press COMMAND. The display
shows CODE CHANGED. The new code number must now be entered before accessing the Programmer menu.
Write the lockout code number down and keep it in a secure place with access limited to authorized persons only.
Lost Lockout Code requires factory reset: If you lose or forget the lockout code, the panel must be sent back to the
factory to be reset. There is no field option for gaining access to the panel without a valid lockout code.
Reset Timeout
The PFC-7500/PFC-7501 has a feature that requires you to enter the Programmer within 30 minutes of resetting the
panel. After 30 minutes, if you attempt to program by entering the 6653 (PROG) code, the keypad displays: RESET
PANEL. You must reset the panel, enter the program code, then begin programming within the next 30 minutes.
If you are already in the Programmer and do not press any keys on the programming keypad for 30 minutes, the panel
terminates programming. All data entered up to that point is saved in the panel memory.
Use the Stop routine to exit the panel Programmer.