Potter PFC-7501 User Manual

Page 19

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Armed open

Defines the action taken by the panel when the zone is placed into an open condition. There are

three actions to define: the Message to transmit, which Relay output to activate, and the Relay

output action.



Message to Transmit

You can send two report types to the receiver: Alarm and Trouble. These are represented by the

characters A and T. Press any top row Select key to display the zone full reporting options.





Alarm - Selecting A, allows an alarm report to be sent to the receiver and the bell output to

activate according to zone type. See the Bell Action section. The zone name appears in the

panel alarmed zones status list.
Trouble - Selecting T allows a trouble report to be sent to the receiver and the zone name to

appear in the panel alarmed zones status list.
You cannot change the Alarm (A) and Trouble (T) action for Fire (FI), Fire Verify (FV), or

Supervisory (SV) zone types.
Local - When you select L, an alarm report is NOT sent to the receiver. The bell output still

activates according to zone type and the zone name appears in the panel alarmed zones status list.
Note: You can also select L for a zone to send alarm reports to the subscriber's personal pager

only, and not to the central station. You must enable the Pager option in the Communication

section to operate this feature.
(dash) - When you select , reports are NOT sent to the receiver. The bell output does not

activate and there is no display in the panel alarmed zones status list. Only the Output Number

currently selected activates.




Output Number

You can specify any of the outputs on the PFC-7500 or PFC-7501 to activate by a zone

condition. The output can be activated regardless of the report to transmit or whether or not the

zone is programmed as local.
To enter an Output Number, press any top row Select key followed by the output number 1 to 4.

Press the COMMAND key.



Output Action

Entering an Output Number displays this prompt allowing you to assign an output action to the

relay. A description of the available output actions follows:


Steady - The output is turned on and remains on until a Sensor Reset is performed or the output

cutoff time expires.
Pulse - The output alternates one second on and one second off until a Sensor Reset is

performed or the output cutoff time expires.
Momentary - The output is turned on only once for one second.
Follow - The output is turned on and remains on while the zone is in an off normal, or bad

condition. When the zone restores, the output is turned off.
After selecting the Message, Output Number and Action, the display prompts you for the

same three selections for Armed Short conditions. When you have programmed all of the zone

conditions, the Swinger Bypass selection then dis plays.

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