Remote options – Potter PFC-7501 User Manual
Page 13
Remote Options
This section allows the information needed for Remote Command/Remote Programming
operation to be entered. A description of the Remote Options follow.
Note: A complete functional checkout of the panel is required following any programming or
Remote Key
This option allows you to enter a code of up to eight digits for use in verifying an alarm or
service receiver authority to perform a remote command/programming session. The receiver
must give the correct key to the panel before being allowed access. Default is blank.
To enter a new Remote Key, press a top row Select key and enter any combination of up to
eight digits. The numbers you enter appear as asterisks. Press COMMAND.
Manufacturer Authorization
Enter YES to allow service technicians to access the panel when required during system service
or troubleshooting. This automatically expires within one hour.
Remote service is provided on a read only basis: technicians can look at the system
programming and make suggestions only.
Armed Rings
Enter the number of rings the panel counts within a two minute period before answering the
phone line. Enter any number from 1 to 15. Default is 0 rings.
If 0 (zero) is entered, the panel does not answer the phone. If NONE is selected as the
Communication type, the ring detect function is disabled and the 984 Command function must
be used to seize the phone line. See Manual Telephone Line Seizure Section in the Appendix.
Answering machine bypass procedure: Entering a number greater than 0 (zero) into Armed
Rings allows a central station operator to connect remotely with the panel.
How it works: The operator calls the panel, rings the phone once and then hangs up. The panel
stores this attempt to communicate. The operator then calls back within 30 seconds causing the
panel to seize the phone line and allow remote programming.
Alarm Receiver Authorization
Enter YES to enable the panel to accept remote commands and programming from the alarm
receiver. The Remote Key option can also be required.
When YES is selected, the panel requests the alarm receiver key during its first alarm
communication with the first receiver. The panel retains this alarm receiver key in memory
and allows remote commands to be accepted from the alarm receiver. If an alarm occurs during
a remote connect, the alarm report is immediately sent to this receiver only.
Enter NO to not accept remote commands and programming from the alarm receiver.
Service Receiver Authorization
YES enables the panel to accept remote commands and programming from a secondary service
receiver other than the alarm receiver. A Remote Key can also be required.
With YES selected, the panel requests the service receiver key the first time it is contacted by
the service receiver. The panel retains this service receiver key in memory and accepts remote
commands from the service receiver.
If an alarm occurs during a remote connect, the panel disconnects from the service receiver
and calls the alarm receiver. Alarm reports are only sent to the alarm receiver. It is important
that the alarm receiver key and the service receiver key programmed at the central station are
NOT the same so the panel can determine the difference between receivers.
When NO is selected, the panel does not accept remote commands and programming from a
secondary service receiver.
Remote Options