MF Digital Spectrum 2 Thermal User Manual

Page 68

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Spectrum2 Printer Operator’s Guide

Document Revision: 102803


3. Change to white

coated CD
media for better

White coated media
provides flatter /
smoother printing
surface compared to
some types of silver
CD media

Text or graphics
at top or bottom
of disc is not
printing or is

Printer may not
print completely to
edge disc

See above.


Web page
graphics copied
to a disc label
have a “rough” or
“jagged” quality

Web page graphics
are usually set at 72
DPI, which will
cause them to
appear very small
when imported into
Spectrum2 Designer
label program

Do not enlarge or
stretch web
graphics. Enlarging
reduces quality of
the graphics

Tip: Some graphics
files (WMF files:
Windows Meta
Format) can be
enlarged without
reduction in quality


Printed graphics
look “rough” or
“jagged” as
compared to what
is shown on-

The graphics may
have been created or
saved at a low
resolution, then
placed in the label.

Low resolution
graphics may have
been “expanded” or
“stretched” to larger

Use high resolution
graphics for best
looking 300DPI or
600DPI printout

Create and Save all
Graphics at least
300DPI or higher.

Note: Graphics that
are created and
saved at a low
resolution can not
convert back to
higher resolution.

When creating
graphics, create
graphics close to
size used on CD
label. In your
graphics program,
set resolution to 300
DPI and use rulers
to check size. This
will eliminate the
need to “expand” or
“stretch” graphics
which may reduce
the quality of the
graphic object