1 the master controller, 2 clear the controller’s ram, Entraguard – Keri Systems EntraGuard Platinum Quick Start User Manual

Page 24: Platinum telephone entry controller, Quick start guide

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Platinum Telephone Entry Controller

Quick Start Guide

Page 24 of 28

P/N: 01969-001 Rev. C

Figure 30: Not Initialized Unit Warning

NOTE: Any time the “Not Initialized Unit Warning” appears on the LCD display, the unit needs a Doors update.

Figure 31: EntraGuard Platinum Default LCD Display

NOTE: The default display will remain until a message banner has been created (for instructions on how to create a
message banner see the Doors Users Guide - P/N 01914-100).


The Master Controller


The Master Controller must be set to address 1 so that all slave controllers on the access control network can identify the
master controller. For the Master Controller to correctly identify all slave controllers on the network, one of two things
must be done.


The master controller must be the last unit on the network to be powered on. This ensures that when the Master
Controller begins polling the network to see what slave units are connected for system configuration, all slave units
are ready to communicate their unique addresses and their configuration information.


The Auto-Configuration routine within the Doors program must be run. This instructs the Master Controller to poll
all controllers on the network for addresses and configuration information.

NOTE: An auto-configuration must be performed any time changes are made to the 485 network.


Clear the Controller’s RAM

When turning system power on for the first time, the controller’s memory needs to be cleared of any spurious information
that may be in the RAM. If you changed the controller address, the memory is automatically cleared. However, if you did
not change the address, you will need to clear the controller’s RAM separately. From the Reset Menu (see Figure 27 on
page 22), press 2 to C
lear Memory. The Clear Memory screen will appear on the LCD (see Figure 32 on page 25).

1. The EntraGuard Platinum Controller must be installed as the Master Controller only in a mixed EntraGuard/

PXL-250 network.