0 communication, 1 between entraguard platinum unit and tenants, Section 06 - communication – Keri Systems EntraGuard Platinum Quick Start User Manual

Page 12: Entraguard, Platinum telephone entry controller, Quick start guide

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Platinum Telephone Entry Controller

Quick Start Guide

Page 12 of 28

P/N: 01969-001 Rev. C



The communication section handles three different, but related, topics:

Communication between EntraGuard Platinum controller and tenants

Communication between the master EntraGuard Platinum controller and the host computer for programming

Communication between networked EntraGuard Platinum/PXL-500/510 controllers

NOTE: Keri Systems recommends performing a bench test on each unit prior to installation to rule out any phone line


Between EntraGuard Platinum Unit and Tenants

The telephone communication is done via a copper phone line to TB-15. Connect the TIP line to either Pin 1 or Pin 2 then
connect the Ring line to the other Pin (see Figure 14).

Figure 14: TB-15 Phone Line Wiring Connection

There are three ways of connecting the phone line for communication between the EntraGuard Platinum unit and the


Single Phone Line for a Single EntraGuard Platinum Unit

For a single EntraGuard Platinum unit, connect the phone line to TB-15 on the EntraGuard Platinum board (see Figure
2 on page 2).


Individual Phone Lines for each EntraGuard Platinum Unit on a Network

The set up for individual phone lines for each EntraGuard unit is the same as for a single phone line for a single
EntraGuard Platinum controller. Each phone line is connected to TB-15 on each EntraGuard Platinum board.


Shared Phone Line for Multiple EntraGuard Platinum Units on a Network

A single phone line may be shared for communication between multiple EntraGuard Platinum units and tenants. The
phone line is plugged into TB-15 on the master EntraGuard Platinum unit with the phone line then going out of the TB-15
phone plug to the next unit’s TB-15 and so on to all the networked EntraGuard units (see Figure 15 on page 13).

NOTE: Sharing a phone line for multiple EntraGuard units is limited to a maximum of 6 units per phone line.