Searching your phone and the web – LG G Vista User Manual
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The Basics
2. Tap the Edit icon
(on the far right of the QSlide apps bar).
Drag one of the icon handles
(at the right side of the screen) to
move its icon to another position in the QSlide apps bar.
Checkmark the QSlide apps you want to display and remove the
checkmark for the ones you want to remove.
Changing the checkmarks also changes the order of the icons in the QSlide apps bar.
3. Tap the Back Key
(in the Touch Keys bar ) to return to the
Notifications panel.
Searching Your Phone and the Web
You can search for information on your phone and on the web using the
Google search app.
Some apps, such as Gmail, Contacts, and Chrome have the ability to search
for contents within those specific apps.
You can conduct the search by typing in the search terms or saying what
you’re looking for. As you enter text, the search app can provide
suggestions so you don’t necessarily have to type out your full request.
Phone and Web search using text entry
1. Tap the Google Search Widget
on the Home
Google Now opens automatically and you can use the on-screen
keyboard to search.
Voice Search
Tap here to search by voice.