Measuring with your spike – Juniper Systems ikeGPS User Manual
Page 8
Quick Start Guide 8
Measuring With Your Spike
To measure accurately with your Spike, you need to ensure that:
1) Your target is a flat surface and is all on the same plane.
2) Your target is or has a rectangular shape on it (to align the object).
3) Your laser (cross-hair on the screen) is pointed at your target. The cross-
hair should be on a solid surface and not a window.
4) You are perpendicular
to the target. Photo
measurements taken
from the optimal position
typically see an accuracy
of ± 2%. Please reference
the following target
distance and positioning
guide when taking a Spike
You cannot measure an object or objects that are on different planes.
Below are some examples.
The side of the
house and the roof
are on different
planes, so
measurements will
be incorrect.
The side of the
house is all
on the same
plane, so
measurements will
be correct.
The side of the
house is on
different planes,
so measurements
will be incorrect.
The side of the
house that is all
on one plane is
being measured,
so measurements
will be correct.