IC Realtime Specialty: Interrogator DVR - a DVR for law enforcement User Manual

Page 91

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In Figure 7-14, you can input pattern value and then click start record button to begin
PTZ movement. Please go back to Figure 7-13 to implement camera operation. Then
you can click stop record button. Now you have set one pattern. Preset
In Figure 7-14, move the camera to your desired location and then input preset value.
Click add button, you have set one preset. Auto tour
In Figure 7-14, input auto tour value and preset value. Click add button, you have added
one preset in the tour.
Repeat the above procedures you can add more presets in one tour. Assistant
You can select the assistant item from the dropdown list. See Figure 7-15.

Figure 7-15

7.2.4 Color

Click color button in section 3, the interface is shown as Figure 7-16.
Here you can select one channel and then adjust its brightness, contrast, hue and
saturation. (Current channel border becomes green).
Or you can click default button to use system default setup.

Figure 7-16

7.2.5 Picture Path and Record Path