IC Realtime Specialty: Interrogator DVR - a DVR for law enforcement User Manual

Page 128

background image



Searched file has not been open.


Local searched video is distorted


Video quality setup is too low.


Error occurs when program read and write the data. Thought the displayed bit

stream is low, it is full of mosaic when playback. Please reboot.


HDD cable problem


HDD malfunction


DVR hardware error


There is no audio when monitor


It is not a power pick up


It is not a power speaker


Audio cable is damaged


DVR hardware error


There is audio when monitor. But it is no audio when playback


Setup problem. Please enable audio function.


Corresponding channel has not enabled video; The playback may not fluent

when screen is blue.


Time display is not right





Battery contact is not right or voltage is too low.


Crystal Oscillator error


DVR can not control PTZ


Front-end PTZ error


PTZ setup is not right. Cable connection or installation is not right.


DVR PTZ setup error


Protocol setup is not compatible.


PTZ address is not right


When connect several decoder please use a 120Ohm between the decoder far

A end and B end to eliminate reflection and resistance matching. Otherwise the
PTZ control is not stable


The distance is too long.


Motion detection function does not work


Time period setup is not right


Motion detection zone setup is not right.


Sensitivity is too low.


Hardware problem for some series.


Can not log in web or client-end