Great Planes 27% Extra 330S ARF - GPMA1413 User Manual
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other side for spectators. Only personnel involved with fl ying
the aircraft are allowed at or in the front of the fl ight line.
Intentional fl ying behind the fl ight line is prohibited.
4) I will operate my model using only radio control frequencies
currently allowed by the Federal Communications Commission.
5) I will not knowingly operate my model within three
miles of any pre-existing fl ying site except in accordance
with the frequency sharing agreement listed (in the
complete AMA Safety Code).
9) Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person
touch a powered model in fl ight; nor should any part of the
model other than the landing gear, intentionally touch
the ground, except while landing.
During the last few moments of preparation your mind may
be elsewhere anticipating the excitement of the fi rst fl ight.
Because of this, you may be more likely to overlook certain
checks and procedures that should be performed before the
model is fl own. To help avoid this, a check list is provided to
make sure these important areas are not overlooked. Many
are covered in the instruction manual, so where appropriate,
refer to the manual for complete instructions. Be sure to
check the items off as they are completed.
1. Fuelproof all areas exposed to moisture, fuel or exhaust
residue such as the fuel line mounts, the choke mount,
the ignition battery and ignition module mount, etc.
2. Check the C.G. according to the measurements
provided in the manual.
3. Be certain the battery and receiver are securely
mounted. Simply stuffi ng them into place with foam
rubber is not suffi cient.
4. Extend your receiver antenna all the way down the
antenna tube in the fuselage.
5. Balance your model laterally as explained in
the instructions.
6. Use thread-locking compound to secure critical fasteners
such as the set screws on the wheel collars, screw-lock
pushrod connectors, etc.
7. Add a drop of oil to the axles so the wheels will
turn freely.
8. Make sure all hinges are securely glued in place.
9. Reinforce holes for wood screws with thin CA where
appropriate (servo mounting screws, cowl mounting
screws, etc.).
10. Confi rm that all controls operate in the correct direction
and the throws are set up according to the manual.
11. Make sure there are silicone retainers on all the clevises.
12. Make sure all servo arms are secured to the servos with
the screws included with your radio.
13. Secure connections between servo wires and
Y-connectors or servo extensions, and the connection
between your battery pack and the on/off switch with
vinyl tape, heat-shrink tubing or special clips suitable for
that purpose.
14. Make sure any servo extension cords you may have
used do not interfere with other systems (servo arms,
pushrods, pull/pull rudder cables, etc.).
15. Secure the pressure tap (if used) to the muffl er with
high temp RTV silicone, thread-locking compound or
J.B. Weld.
16. Make sure the fuel lines are connected and are
not kinked.
17. Balance your propeller (and spare propellers).
18. Tighten the propeller nut and spinner.
19. Place your name, address, AMA number and telephone
number on or inside your model.
20. Cycle your receiver battery pack (if necessary) and make
sure it is fully charged.
21. If you wish to photograph your model, do so before your
fi rst fl ight.
22. Range check your radio when you get to the fl ying fi eld.
Mount the Wing
Mount the wings to the fuselage. It will be helpful to have
a Great Planes 4-in-1 installation tool (GPMR8035) for
tightening the wing bolts. Don’t forget to connect the aileron
servo extensions to the Y-connector coming from the aileron
channel in the receiver. Be sure the wires will not get caught
on any of the servos or pushrods inside the fuselage. If your
Extra is powered by an electric motor be certain the batteries
are securely strapped into place. Mount the canopy hatch
with the screws and a drop of threadlocker on the threads.
The Extra 330S 1.60 ARF is a great-fl ying model that fl ies
smoothly and predictably. The Extra 330S 1.60 ARF does
not, however, possess the self-recovery characteristics of a
primary R/C trainer and should be fl own only by experienced
R/C pilots.
Fuel Mixture Adjustments
(for gas & glow engines)
A fully cowled engine may run at a higher temperature than
an un-cowled engine. For this reason, the fuel mixture should
be richened so the engine runs at about 200 RPM below
peak speed. By running the engine slightly rich, you will help
prevent dead-stick landings caused by overheating.