GME GP450XB User Manual
Page 9

MOB position shown as your destination and the required
navigation data shown in the corners of the screen .
Note: If you don’t wish to immediately navigate to the MOB
point, simply press ENt to accept the No option . The point will
remain in the Waypoint list in case you wish to navigate to it later .
NEarEst WayPoINts
The Nearest Waypoints list displays the Waypoints that are
closest to your present location . It is useful for quickly finding
nearby locations such as safe harbours, fuel, boat ramps or
even fishing spots etc that you have previously stored in the
Waypoint list .
To view the nearest Waypoints, from the main menu, choose
WayPoINts and press ENt . Select NEarEst from the list
and press ENt . A Waypoint list is shown with the nearest
Waypoints at the top of the list along with their range and
bearing from your present location .
To display the TTG (Time To Go) and ETA (Estimated Time of
Arrival) to each Waypoint press the key .
To return to the Waypoint by distance list press the key . Press
the mENu key to close the Nearest list and return to the Menu .
ProXImIty WayPoINts
A Proximity Waypoint is a Waypoint to which a proximity alarm
has been applied . The alarm effectively places a ‘circle’ around
that location . If you enter the area of the circle the alarm will
trigger to warn you of your close proximity to that Waypoint .
Proximity Waypoints are useful for warning of dangerous
locations such as rocks, shallow water or other hazardous
places . The Proximity Waypoint list in your GP450X can store up
to 10 Proximity Waypoints .
1 . To access the Proximity Waypoint page, from the main menu,
select WayPoINts and press ENt .
2 . Select ProXImIty and press ENt . The Proximity Waypoint
list is displayed .
If you have not yet created any proximity Waypoints the list will
be blank otherwise any Proximity Waypoints you have created
will be listed . The Waypoint name is displayed on the left . On
the right is the distance (circle radius) from the Waypoint at
which the alarm will trigger .
While viewing the Proximity Waypoint list, if a Proximity alarm
is triggered, an exclamation mark will flash to the right of the
affected Waypoint to identify it in the list . The range from your
vessel to that Waypoint will also be displayed .
3 . To add a Proximity Waypoint, use the or keys to
highlight the first blank Waypoint position and press ENt . The
standard Waypoint list is displayed .
4 . Select the required Waypoint and press ENt . The screen
returns to the Proximity Waypoint list . A default alarm
distance is applied automatically .
NotE: You must have first stored the required location as
a Waypoint .
5 . To change the distance at which the alarm will sound,
highlight the Waypoint’s alarm distance and press ENt .
6 . Use the or keys to change the number at the cursor
position and the or keys to move the cursor position
left or right .
7 . Press ENt when done .
EdItING thE ProXImIty WayPoINt lIst
To edit the Proximity Waypoint list, highlight the Waypoint you
wish to edit and press ENt .
• Select rEvIEW to display or edit the standard properties of
that Waypoint (such as location, symbol or comments etc) .
• Select rEmovE to delete that specific Waypoint from the
Proximity List . Note the Waypoint is only removed from
the Proximity list, the original Waypoint still remains in the
normal Waypoint list .
• Select clEar all to delete ALL Waypoints from the
Proximity list .
Waypoints listed by Nearest
Waypoints listed by ttG and Eta
Your Vessel
Vessel’s Course
Alarm triggers here
Proximity Waypoint
Proximity Alert Area
Alarm Distance
Bearing and Range to MOB point
MOB point
Route to
Plotter display with moB set as destination
Proximity Waypoint list
Name .
Alert .
to active
Waypoint .
Preset Alarm
Distance .
the Alarm
has been
on this
Waypoint .