Alarms – GME GP450XB User Manual

Page 15

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3 . Select a route from the list and press the ENt key . The Route

Direction window appear .

4 . Choose forWard or rEvErsE to select the route

direction . Choosing forWard will guide you along the
route starting from the first Waypoint in the route and ending
at the last . Choosing rEvErsE guides you back along
the route in the opposite direction, starting from the last
Waypoint and ending at the first . The rEvErsE option can
be useful for finding your way back home at the end of
the day .

sEttING dEstINatIoNs By moB

Normally when you save an MOB you are offered an option to
immediately navigate to it . If you choose not to do so, you can
use the GOTO function to call up the MOB later on .

1 . Press Goto

2 . Select WPt-lIst? and press the ENt key .

2 . Choose the moB Waypoint and press the ENt key .

3 . The plotter screen will appear with a dotted line extending

from your ship’s position towards the moB point .

sEttING usEr WayPoINts as a dEstINatIoN

You can insert a User Waypoint into the Goto Options list . This
allows you to quickly select a commonly used Waypoint
for navigation .

For example you could save the location of your local Boat
Ramp as a Waypoint then insert this into the Goto Options
list . This makes your boat ramp Waypoint easy to find when you
need to navigate yourself back to the ramp at the end of
the day .

1 . Press Goto. The Goto options window appears .

2 . Select sEtuP and press the ENt key . The Select User

Waypoint list appears .

3 . Select the desired Waypoint (ramP is selected in the

example) and press the ENt key . The Goto window

reappears and your selected Waypoint (ramP) is now listed
as a Goto Waypoint .

4 . Press mENu to exit and return to the navigation screens .

To navigate to your user Waypoint at any time, simply press
Goto, select your User Waypoint and press the ENt key . The
plotter screen will appear with a dotted line extending from
your vessel to the User Waypoint .

caNcEllING your dEstINatIoN

You can cancel your selected destination as follows;

1 . Press the Goto key .

2 . Select off? and press the ENt key .

3 . The plotter screen will reappear and the selected Waypoint

and dotted navigation line will no longer be visible .


Your GP450X has a number of alarm conditions that can
generate both visual and audible alarms . The available
alarms are;

• Arrival Alarm

• Anchor Watch Alarm

• Cross Track Error (XTE) Alarm

• Speed Alarm

• Trip and Odometer Alarm

• SBAS Alarm

When an alarm is activated the buzzer sounds and the name
of the offending alarm appears on the display along with an
alarm Icon . To silence the buzzer and remove the visual alarm
notification, simply press any key . The alarm Icon remains on the
screen until the reason for the alarm is cleared .

message Board

In some instances, multiple alarms may be triggered . These
alarm messages can be viewed on the Message Board .

To view the message board;

1 . From the main menu, select mEssaGEs and press the

ENt key

2 . Current messages will be listed .

For more information about the message board please refer to
the maINtENaNcE section later in this manual .

route list

route direction Window

GOTO Options window with new User

Waypoint (RAMP) inserted




message Board