GME GP450XB User Manual

Page 16

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NotE: The arrival and anchor watch alarms cannot both be
activated at the same time .

arrIval aNd aNchor Watch alarms

arrival alarm

The arrival alarm alerts you when your vessel is approaching
a destination Waypoint . The area that defines the arrival zone
is a circle surrounding the destination Waypoint . The alarm is
triggered when your vessel enters the circle .

setting the arrival alarm

1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key

2 . Select the arv/aNc field and press the ENt key .

3 . The Arrival/Anchor Options list appears .

4 . Select arv and press the ENt key .

5 . The Alarm Range field is automatically highlighted . Press the

ENt key .

6 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the alarm range . Use the

or keys to change the number at the cursor position and
the or keys to move the cursor position left or right .
When finished press the ENt key .

7 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the

navigation screen .

When your vessel approaches a destination Waypoint at the
range set here the buzzer sounds and the message arv
is displayed .

anchor Watch alarm

The Anchor Watch alarm warns you that your anchored vessel is
moving excessively when it should be at rest . It works similarly
to the arrival alarm except that it alerts you when your vessel
leaves a circle rather than enters it . When setting the alarm
you should allow for the possible distance your vessel may
legitimately drift while at anchor . The alarm distance should
be set to warn if the anchor is dragging and your position is
moving excessively .

setting the anchor Watch alarm

1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key

2 . Select the arv/aNc field and press the ENt key .

3 . The Arrival/Anchor Options list appears .

4 . Select aNc and press the ENt key .

5 . The Alarm Range field is automatically highlighted . Press the

ENt key .

6 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the alarm range . Use the

or keys to change the number at the cursor position and
the or keys to move the cursor position left or right .
When finished press the ENt key .

7 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the

navigation screen .

When your vessel drifts beyond the range set here the buzzer
sounds and the message aNc alarm! is displayed .

cross track Error (XtE) alarm

The XTE error occurs when your ship strays from its intended
course . The XTE is useful when navigating through narrow
channels or as a simple warning in case you are distracted
while navigating .

setting the XtE alarm

1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key

2 . Select the XtE field and press the ENt key .

3 . The XtE Options list appears . Select oN and press the

ENt key .

4 . The Alarm Range field is automatically highlighted . Press the

ENt key .

arrival alarm

anchor alarm

XtE Error alarm