GME GP450XB User Manual

Page 19

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conditions . You can reduce these affects by increasing the Speed
and Course smoothing . As with position smoothing, the higher
the value you select for Speed and Course Smoothing the more
smoothed will be the raw data . If the setting is too high the
response to speed and course changes will become slower . The
setting range is from 0 to 9999 seconds .

average speed (speed averaging)

Speed averaging over a period of time is useful for calculating
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) and TTG (Time to Go) . If the
averaging period is too long or too short, the accuracy of the
ETA and TTG calculations will be affected . The default setting is
60 seconds . The available setting range is 0 to 9999 seconds .

lat/loNG offset

The Latitude and Longitude Offset can be used to adjust
position accuracy . It is especially useful when you are
referencing to a paper chart that is not using the same WGS
84 datum as your GP450X . This could result in the positions
measured on your GP450X not matching those on the paper
chart . By applying a position offset to your GP450X you can
calibrate the measured positions on your GP450X to match
those on the paper chart .

disable sv (satellite visibility)

The Disable SV option allows you to deselect satellites that
you do NOT wish to use in position calculations . This might be
because they have been reported as unhealthy and therefore
unreliable or perhaps because their visibility is poor resulting in
inconsistent position accuracy . Up to three satellites can
be disabled .

fix mode

The fix mode allows you to select either 2 dimensional (latitude
and longitude) or 3 dimensional (latitude, longitude and
altitude) fixes . If 2/3D is selected your GP450X will provide
fixes in 3 dimensions where satellite visibility is good . Where
satellite visibility is poor your unit will automatically switch to
2D fix mode until the signal improves, with a reduced positional
accuracy . To improve positional accuracy in these situations you
can manually select the 2D fix mode . You will then be asked
to enter the altitude to be used in the calculation, to make the
position more accurate .

To apply these settings;

1 . From the main menu select GPs sEtuP and press the

ENt key .

2 . Select the smooth Pos field and press the ENt key .

3 . Use the cursor keys to enter a speed smoothing value from

000 to 999 seconds . For example, if you select 3 seconds,
your position measurement will be smoothed over a three
second period . Press ENt when complete .

4 . The smooth sc field is highlighted . Press the ENt key .

5 . Use the cursor keys to enter a Course smoothing value from

0000 to 9999 seconds . Press ENt when complete .

NotE: For long trips you may prefer to use larger values . For
shorter trips or when regular direction changes are needed
you should use smaller values . To disable Position or Course
smoothing, set these values to 0 .

6 . The avr sPEEd field is highlighted . Press the ENt key .

7 . Use the cursor keys to enter the period over which your

speed will be averaged . For example, if you select 60
seconds, your speed will be averaged over a 1 minute period .
Press ENt when complete .

8 . The lat offsEt field is highlighted . Press the ENt key .

9 . Use the cursor keys to enter the Latitude offset in minutes

and decimal minutes and to select N (North) or s (South) .
The default is 0.000. When finished press the ENt key .

10 . The loN offsEt field is highlighted . Press the ENt key .

11 . Use the cursor keys to enter the Longitude offset in minutes

and decimal minutes and to select E (East) or W (West) .
The default is 0.000. When finished press the ENt key .

12 . The dIaBlE sv field is highlighted . Press the ENt key .

13 . Use the cursor keys to select the satellite number you wish

to disable . Press the ENt key when done . To disable more
than one satellite press the key to move the cursor to the
right and press the ENt key to select the next satellite field .
Up to three satellites can be disabled .

NotE: To restore disabled satellites, set the satellite number

to 00 .

14 . The fIX modE field is highlighted . Press the ENt key .

15 . Select from 2d or 2/3d and press the ENt key .

If 2d mode is selected you will be asked to enter a default
altitude . Use the cursor keys to enter an altitude and press the
ENt key . If you are at sea you can set an altitude of 0 .

dIsPlayING thE mEssaGE Board

The message board displays error messages and alerts . You can
display it as follows:

From the main menu select mEssaGEs and press the ENt key .

The Message Board will be displayed along with any messages .

The following messages are available .




Anchor watch alarm triggered .


Arrival alarm triggered .


RAM data corrupted . Try to clear
backup data .


Voltage of battery in display unit is
low . Request replacement .


No GPS signal . Check antenna cable


Power source voltage too high .


Power source voltage too low .


Odometer distance alarm triggered .


Return for service .


Return for service .


Return for service .


Speed alarm triggered .


Time alarm triggered .


Trip distance alarm triggered .


Cross Track Error alarm triggered .

Message Board