Connecting external devices – GME GP450XB User Manual
Page 25

signal ground to the frame ground when connecting other
equipment which is connected to a positive ground battery .
replacing the fuse
The 0 .5 Amp fuse in the power cable protects the equipment
from over current, reverse polarity and equipment fault . If the
fuse blows, find the cause before replacing the fuse with the
correct 0 .5 Amp fuse replacement . If the fuse blows again
and everything is connected correctly, obtain the advice of a
qualified installer or arrange for your GP450X to be serviced .
coNNEctING EXtErNal dEvIcEs
Your GP450X can output navigation data such as position
information to external equipment such as a radar or fish finder,
in NmEa 0183 format .
uPloadING aNd doWNloadING WayPoINt &
routE data
Waypoint and Route data can be downloaded from your
GP450X to your Pc or uploaded from your Pc to the GP450X .
The GP450X is designed to connect to the serial port on
your Pc .
A wiring diagram for connecting your GP450X to a Pc can be
displayed on the GP450X screen from the menu .
1 . From the main menu select I/o data and press the ENt key .
2 . Select WIrING INfo? and press the ENt key
3 . The following screen is displayed .
4 . Use this diagram to make a Pc interface cable using a
standard 9 Pin d connector .
NotE: A 25 pin connector may also be used . In this case
connect the 25 pin connector using the diagram below
5 . If necessary, configure the serial port on your Pc to the
following settings .
Note: No position fix is available during uploading or
downloading .
coNNEctING to EXtErNal marINE dEvIcEs
1 . From the main menu select I/o sEtuP and press the
ENt key .
2 . Choose the required data port data1 or data2 as
appropriate and press the ENt key .
NotE: choose DATA1 for standard NMEA connections to
marine devices . choose DATA2 for RS232 connections to PCs
and serial devices .
3 . The following options appear .
4 . Use the cursor keys to select the required option then press
the ENt key .
Choose NmEa-rEm1 or rEm2 to output data to a Radar, Fish
Finder etc .
Choose NmEa-aP to output data to an Auto Pilot .
5 . Press the mENu key twice to return to the navigation screen .
sElEctING thE NmEa vErsIoN
Your GP450X supports a number of NmEa variations to
ensure compatibility with a wider range of external devices . You
should consult the instruction manual of your other device to
determine which NmEa version is compatible .
To select the NmEa version on your unit;
1 . From the main menu, select I/o sEtuP and press the
ENt key .
2 . Select the NmEa vEr field and press the ENt key .
3 . Select from vEr1.5, vEr2.0 or vEr2.1 and press the
ENt key .
4 . Press the mENu key twice to return to the navigation screen .
doWNloadING data to a Pc
5 . From the main menu, select I/o sEtuP and press the
ENt key .
Power Data Connector Wiring
PC Interface Wiring Diagram (9 pin D)
PC Interface Wiring Diagram (25 pin D)
Baud rate : 4800 bps
character length : 8 bit
stop Bit : 1 bit
Parity : None
X control : XON / OFF
For DATA 1
For DATA 2
I/O SeTUP menu