GME GP450XB User Manual

Page 6

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ring points to your destination Waypoint relative to your
current track (COG) . The compass ring and Bearing Pointer
work independently to show at a glance the direction of your
movement and direction to your destination .

e .g . if the Bearing Pointer points Up you are travelling directly
towards your destination . If the Bearing Pointer points in any
other direction you must turn towards the pointer until it points
Up in order to continue towards your destination .

PosItIoNal NavIGatIoN data dIsPlay

The positional navigation data display provides GPS status,
position in Latitude and Longitude, course over ground, speed
over ground and the time and date . This page is useful for
determining your current location for relaying to others or for
simply confirming the current time or date .

usEr coNfIGuraBlE NavIGatIoN dIsPlays

There are two User Configurable Navigation displays that
can be set either as ‘Big Number’ navigation fields or as an
analogue Speedometer .

Big Number Navigation display

The ‘Big Number’ Navigation display is used to show digital
navigation information . It can be configured into 1, 2, 3 or 4
separate fields on the screen as shown below .

Each field can be individually configured to display
• Time
• Speed over Ground (SOG),
• Cross Track error (XTE)
• Odometer Distance
• Position
• Course over Ground (COG)
• Time to Go (to Destination) (TTG)
• Trip Distance
• External Voltage (Volts)
• Range and Bearing to Waypoint
• Estimated time of Arrival (ETA)

sPEEdomEtEr dIsPlay

The Speedometer displays Speed over Ground . The display
can be configured to suit the speed limitations of your vessel
or the speed range of a specific application (such as trolling) .
The Speedometer has 5 interval calibrations from minimum
to maximum . Simply set the minimum speed and the interval
speed and the Speedometer will be calibrated automatically .
The example above shows the minimum speed set to 0 knots
with the intervals set to 10 knots resulting in a Speedometer
calibrated from 0 to 40 knots with 10 knot intervals .

coNtrollING thE PlottEr dIsPlay

display range

You can select the display range (Zoom Level) on both the
plotter and highway displays .

On the plotter screen the horizontal display range is shown in
the lower left corner of the display . The range of the plotter
display can be set from 0 .02 to 320 display units . The display
units can be preset to nautical miles, kilometres or statute miles .
For maximum display range set the units to nautical miles to
provide a maximum range of 320 nm .

On the highway screen the zoom range can be set from 0 .2 to
16 display units .

selecting the display range

With the plotter or highway window selected;

1 . Press the mENu key . The Zoom, shIP to cENtrE menu

appears and Zoom IN/out is highlighted .

One Field

Two Fields

Three Fields

Four Fields

Speed Pointer

Analogue Speed dial

Digital Speed

Receiver Status

Speed over

ground .

Course over

Ground .

Position in Latitude

and Longitude .



field 1
e .g . External Voltage

field 4

e .g . Course over

Ground .

field 3
e .g . Trip Meter

field 2
e .g . Speed over Ground .