Other navigation functions – GME GP450XB User Manual
Page 17

5 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the alarm range . Use the
or keys to change the number at the cursor position and
the or keys to move the cursor position left or right .
When finished press the ENt key .
6 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the
navigation screen .
When your vessel strays from its intended course by the distance
set here, the buzzer will sound and the message XtE alarm!
will be displayed .
sPEEd alarm
The speed alarm provides visual and audible alerts when the
ship’s speed is higher or lower than the alarm range setting .
setting the speed alarm
1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key .
2 . Select sPEEd and press the ENt key . The Speed Options
menu appears .
3 . Choose loW or hIGh and press the ENt key .
- The loW settings sounds an alarm when the speed falls
below the Speed Alarm setting
- The hIGh setting sounds an alarm when the speed exceeds
the Speed Alarm setting .
4 . The Speed Range field is automatically highlighted . Press the
ENt key .
5 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the alarm speed . Use the
or keys to change the number at the cursor position and
the or keys to move the cursor position left or right .
When finished press the ENt key .
6 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the
navigation screen .
When your vessel violates the speed alarm setting the buzzer
sounds and the message sPd alarm! is displayed .
tImE alarm
The time alarm works as an alarm clock to provide a visual and
audible alert at the set time .
setting the time alarm
1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key .
2 . Select the tImE field and press the ENt key
3 . Select oN and press the ENt key .
4 . The Time setting field is automatically highlighted . Press the
ENt key .
5 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the alarm time . Use the or
keys to change the number at the cursor position and the
or keys to move the cursor position left or right . When
finished press the ENt key .
6 . The am/Pm indicator is automatically highlighted . Press the
ENt key .
7 . Select am or Pm and press the ENt key .
8 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the
navigation screen .
When the preset time is reached the buzzer sounds and the
message tImE alarm! is displayed .
trIP alarm
The Trip Alarm is triggered when the distance travelled by your
vessel exceeds the distance preset in the Trip Alarm .
setting the trip alarm
1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key .
2 . Select the trIP field and press the ENt key
3 . Select oN and press the ENt key .
4 . The Trip Distance field is automatically highlighted . Press the
ENt key .
5 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the trip distance . Use the
or keys to change the number at the cursor position and
the or keys to move the cursor position left or right .
When finished press the ENt key .
6 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the
navigation screen .
When the distance that your vessel has travelled exceeds the
preset distance, the buzzer sounds and the message trIP
alarm! is displayed .
odomEtEr alarm
The Odometer Alarm is similar to the trip alarm . Whereas
the Trip Alarm can be reset regularly to monitor short trips
the Odometer Alarm can be left to accumulate much larger
distances over multiple trips .
setting the odometer alarm
1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key .
2 . Select the odomEtEr field and press the ENt key
3 . Select oN and press the ENt key .
4 . The Odometer Distance field is automatically highlighted .
Press the ENt key .
5 . Use the Cursor keypad to enter the odometer distance . Use
the or keys to change the number at the cursor position
and the or keys to move the cursor position left or
right . When finished press the ENt key .
6 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the
navigation screen .
When your vessel has travelled further than the preset odometer
distance the buzzer sounds and the message odomEtEr
alarm! is displayed .
BuZZEr sElEctIoN
The buzzer sounds whenever an alarm is activated . You can
choose the buzzer parameters as follows;
1 . From the main menu select alarms and press the ENt key .
2 . Select BuZZEr and press the ENt key . The Buzzer Options
menu appears .
3 . Choose from short, loNG or coNstaNt .
- short provides three short beeps then stops .
- loNG provides three long beeps then stops .
- coNstaNt will beep continuously until cancelled by
pressing any key .
4 . Press mENu twice to exit and return to the
navigation screen .
othEr NavIGatIoN fuNctIoNs
calculatING raNGE, BEarING, ttG aNd Eta
range and Bearing between two Waypoints
1 . From the main menu select calculatE and press the ENt
key . The calculation window is displayed .
2 . The modE option is highlighted by default . Press the ENt
key to select .
3 . The Mode Option menu appears . Choose WayPoINts and
press the ENt key .