Chapter 4 • managing user, Enrolling administrator card, Registration of administrator card – FingerTec H2i Manual User Manual

Page 18: Enrolling user cards, Verifying card for attendance or access, Deleting card user or fingerprint user, Operations with usb numeric keyboard, Using the ubs numeric keybord, Enrolling, Users

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4 •


Administrator and Administrator Card

Enrollment of an Administrator Card is required before any other operations could
take place in a terminal. Once an Administrator Card is available, an administrator
can perform these 3 major functions.

1. Unlock a terminal for enrollment or/and deletion of users with fingerprints or


2. Download data from a terminal with a USB flash disk

3. Reset the terminal to its default factory settings

An administrator card cannot be used to report attendance or gain access; it is solely
used for the above operations. To gain access or to report attendance, an adminis-
trator must enroll his/her fingerprint into a terminal.

“The terminal is providing users with vocal instructions”. Follow the instructions


Registration of Administrator Card

Power up terminal > Red LED blinks >

“Please register the administrator card”

> Wave card at the card induction area > Terminal reads card and beeps once >

“Registration is successfu” > System returns to verification mode > The Green

LED blinks > Terminal is in stand by mode.


If the green LED blinks when you power on the terminal, it means that the terminal has already

been enrolled with an Administrator card. Find the administrator card to proceed or you need to reset
the terminal in order to enroll with a new administrator card.

Enrolling Cards Users

Green LED blinks > Wave administrator card at the card induction area >


user”. Please press your finger or wave your card > Wave card at the card induction
area > Terminal reads card and creates a new user ID >

e.g: “User number 2”

“Registration is successful”. Register, Please press your finger



Ignore this voice

instruction if you do not intend to register a fingerprint in the terminal)

> Wave administrator card

an to induction area to end process >

“System returns to verification mode”.


1. Repeat steps above to enroll new card users. The system will automatically assign a user ID starting

from number 2. By default, User ID 1 is for an administrator card.

2. If you would like to enroll fingerprint for the user after card registration, continue with the steps below

after you hear

Registration is successful”. Register, please press your finger

Registration is successful”. Register, please press your finger > Press finger on scanner for first

capture >

Please press your finger again” > Lift the finger and press again on scanner for second

capture >

Please press your finger for the last time” > Lift the finger and press again on scanner for

third capture >

Registration is successful”. Register, please press your finger > Repeat enrollment