EVCO EC7102 User Manual

Page 4

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2 '01


The configuration parameters programming can be done during the status "Status 0" only, if there is not a corrupted memory data alarm.

Programming procedure for the parameters "t11", "t20" and "t24"

A) Keep pushed


at the same time for 4 seconds at least: on the display appear "t 0".

B) Push


to select the parameter to modify.

C) Push and release

the most important side of the display flashes;

operate with


within 4 seconds since the first pressure on

to modify its value.

D) Push and release for a second time

during the flashing of the most important side of the display: since now the
least important side of the display flashes;

operate with


within 4 seconds since the second pressure on

to modify its value.

E) After the modify push and release for a third time

or wait 4 seconds without operate on the keys (time-out exit).

Programming procedure for all other parameters

Follow the procedure described in A and B and
F) Push and release

to display the actual value of the selected parameter.

G) Push


within 4 seconds since the pressure on

to modify its value.

H) After the modify push and release

or wait 4 seconds without operate on the keys (time-out exit).

How to leave the programming procedure

Keep pushed


at the same time for 4 seconds at least or wait 50 seconds without operate
on the keys (time-out exit).



"E:2" flashing on the display and buzzer beeping intermittent (corrupted memory data alarm) indicate the failure of the memorised configuration data:

try to switch the power supply off and then switch it on; if to the restart the alarm condition does not disappear it is necessary to change the instrument
(all the outputs are deactivated).