EVCO EC6708 User Manual
Page 34

Every Control S.r.l.
Via Mezzaterra 6, 32036 Sedico Belluno ITALY • Phone 0039-0437-852468 (a.r.) • Fax 0039-0437-83648 • [email protected] • www.everycontrol.it
User Menu configuration parameters
upper end of scale for 4-20 mA input (it coincides
with the maximum calibration value of the suc-
tion transducer)
It establishes the upper end of scale for 4-20 mA input and it must
coincide with the maximum calibration value of the suction transducer.
lower end of scale for 4-20 mA input (it coincides
with the minimum calibration value of the con-
densing transducer)
It is significant exclusively if the parameter /bE has value 1, it establishes
the lower end of scale for 4-20 mA input and it must coincide with the
minimum calibration value of the condensing transducer.
upper end of scale for 4-20 mA input (it coincides
with the maximum calibration value of the con-
densing transducer)
It is significant exclusively if the parameter /bE has value 1, it establishes
the upper end of scale for 4-20 mA input and it must coincide with the
maximum calibration value of the condensing transducer.
kind of analog output (only for devices with ana-
log output in current)
It sets the kind of analog output, as indicated:
0-20 mA
4-20 mA.
r 0
0.001 999
“neutral zone” (1)
r 1
minimum working setpoint program-
mable (1)
r 2
maximum working setpoint program-
mable (1)
r 4
percentage of “neutral zone” to ap-
ply below the working setpoint
r 5
locking of the working setpoint and
of the condenser fans activation
setpoint modification
r 8
40.00 min,sec loading time (1)
r 9
40.00 min,sec unloading time (1)
r A
kind of regulating action (1)
r C
kind of choking valve
r E
increase (percentage) of the “neutral
zone” (parameter r 0) given by the
activation of the input by-pass regula-
r F
h,min maximum time the activation of the
input by-pass regulation has effect
• the symbol (1) indicates that the parameter is available both to
the first and to the second level
• the symbol (3) indicates that the unit of measure depends from
the parameter /5P and from the parameters /A6 and /A7 (the
parameters /5P, /A6 and /A7 belong to the User Menu; see the
chapter User Menu on the page 32).
r 0
“neutral zone”
It establishes the “neutral zone” value.
For further informations about the parameter r 0 meaning see the
paragraph Suction pressure regulation on the page 9.
r 1
minimum working setpoint programmable
It establishes the minimum working setpoint programmable; the instru-
ment automatically verifies if the value established with the parameter
r 1 is below the maximum working setpoint programmable established
with the parameter r 2.
r 2
maximum working setpoint programmable
It establishes the maximum working setpoint programmable; the in-
strument automatically verifies if the value established with the param-
eter r 2 is above the minimum working setpoint programmable estab-
lished with the parameter r 1.
r 4
percentage of “neutral zone” to apply below the
working setpoint
It establishes the percentage of “neutral zone” value to apply below
the working setpoint.
For further informations about the parameter r 4 meaning see the
paragraph Suction pressure regulation on the page 9.
r 8
loading time
It establishes the minimum time interval that pass from the moment in
which the instrument loads a power step to the moment in which the
instrument loads the following power step, except what established
with the disabling times to the compressors activation.
For further informations about the parameter r 8 meaning see the
paragraph Suction pressure regulation on the page 9.
r 9
unloading time
It establishes the minimum time interval that pass from the moment in
which the instrument unloads a power step to the moment in which
the instrument unloads the following power step.
For further informations about the parameter r 9 meaning see the
paragraph Suction pressure regulation on the page 9.
r A
kind of regulating action
It establishes the kind of regulating action that the instrument must
manage, as indicated:
the regulating action is function of the pressure read
by the suction probe (for instance when the pressure
read by the suction probe is above/below the work-
ing setpoint of the “neutral zone” value the instrument
loads/unloads power steps)
the regulating action is function of the pressure read
by the suction probe and of the direction of the pres-
sure read by the suction probe (the same action saw
in the previous case but when the pressure read by
the suction probe is above/below the working setpoint
of the “neutral zone” value and it is going towards the
“neutral zone” the instrument does not load/unload