EVCO EC6708 User Manual

Page 10

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Every Control S.r.l.
Via Mezzaterra 6, 32036 Sedico Belluno ITALY • Phone 0039-0437-852468 (a.r.) • Fax 0039-0437-83648 • [email protected] •


... or NO choking valve (in this case the instrument loads a power step
activating the compressor and it loads another power step activating
the choking valve).

Speaking of choked compressors

• the parameter r C establishes the kind of choking valve that

the instrument must manage

the parameter r C belongs to the User Menu; see the chapter User
on the page 32.

Some parameters permit to set the instrument to protect the compres-
sors against overloads due to several starts repeated in a short time

Suction pressure regulation - Compressors protection

or deactivate according with the protections, the powers and the
working hours of the compressors.
Speaking of suction pressure regulation

• the parameter Hr 1 ... 8 permits to display the total working

hours of the user associated to the output K1 ... 8

• the parameter tyP1 ... 8 establishes the user to associate to the

output K1 ... 8

• the parameter Po 1 ... 8 establishes a proportion among the

compressors powers

the parameters Hr 1 ... 8, tyP1 ... 8 and Po 1 ... 8 belong to the
Configurator Menu; see the chapter Configurator Menu on the page

• the parameter r 0 establishes the “neutral zone” value
• the parameter r 4 establishes the percentage of “neutral zone”

value to apply below the working setpoint

• the parameter r 8 establishes the minimum time interval that

pass from the moment in which the instrument loads a power
step to the moment in which the instrument loads the follow-
ing power step

• the parameter r 9 establishes the minimum time interval that

pass from the moment in which the instrument unloads a power
step to the moment in which the instrument unloads the fol-
lowing power step

• the parameter r A establishes the kind of regulating action that

the instrument must manage

• the parameters C 0, C 1 and C 2 permit to set the instrument

to protect the compressors against overloads due to several
starts repeated in a short time (see the paragraph Compres-
sors protection
on the page 10)

• the parameter C 6 establishes the number of power steps

loaded during a suction probe failure alarm (see the para-
graph Alarms on the page 46)

• the parameter C 7 establishes the number of running working

hours of a power step enough to request the power step

• the parameter C H establishes the number of total working

hours of a power step enough to signal the request of service
(see the paragraph Alarms on the page 46)

the parameters r 0, r 4, r 8, r 9, r A, C 0, C 1, C 2, C 6, C 7 and C H
belong to the User Menu; see the chapter User Menu on the page 32.
If the compressor is choked the respective choking valve will be associ-
ated to the following relay output (for instance if the compressor to
choke is associated to the output K1, the respective choking valve must
be associated to the output K2).
The parameter r C establishes the kind of choking valve that the instru-
ment must manage: NC choking valve (in this case the instrument
loads a power step activating at the same time the compressor and the
respective choking valve and it loads another power step deactivating
the choking valve) ...