Appendix b - map datum – AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

Page 84

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used. Ranges from 00 (lowest) to 99 (highest). A scale for indicating the strength of the signal and

the likelihood of the lock on the signal being lost.


- TERMINAL CONTROL AREA - Class B airspace.


- TRAFFIC PATTERN ALTITUDE - The Altitude required when entering the traffic pattern.


- The historical movement over the ground.


- Recommended and established routes for ships at sea, including traffic

separation schemes, deep water routes.

TrUe norTh

- Geographic north, located at the earth’s north pole.


- TIME TO GO - The estimated time needed to reach your destination, based on your current

speed and the distance to destination.


- TOWER FREQUENCY - The radio frequency for contacting the tower.


- UNICOM FREQUENCY - Used for general traffic advisories. Provides airport information

for non controlled airports.


- UNIVERSAL TIME - The current time at the Prime Meridian. Abbreviated as UT or UTC. Also

ref. to as Zulu time (Z)

USer ComPACT flASh

- The Geopilot II Plus uses the optional User COMPACT FLASH to save

user data: it is a convenient medium to store and retrieve your information.


- Place on the chart identified by its coordinates and displayed on the screen

with a reference symbol .


- Universal Transverse Mercator - Metric Grid system used on most large and intermediate

scale land topographic charts and maps.


- (Vertical Dilution Of Precision)


- Vertical Navigation - The actual path of the aircraft descending to a final destination.

Provides descent point, Altitude and rate information.


- A navaid that provides a VOR, DME and TACAN at one site.


- Wide Area Augmentation System - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in

cooperation with other DOT organizations and DOD, is augmenting the GPS/SPS with a

satellite-based augmentation system, the WAAS. It will provide a signal-in-space to WAAS users

to support en route through precision approach navigation. After achieving initial operational

capability, the WAAS will then be incrementally improved over the next years to expand the area

of coverage, increase the availability of precision approaches, increase signal redundancy and

reduce operational restrictions.


- Any point to which one intends to navigate. A sequence of Waypoints makes up a

Flight Plan.


- World Geodetic System 1984 Coordinates System or Datum developed by the Defense

Mapping Agency (DMA).


- Cross Track Error - The perpendicular distance between the present position and the course

line. Given as a distance right or left of course when facing the destination. Displayed in NAV as

XTE or on the CDI as a deflection.


- Shows more detail in a smaller area.


- Shows a wider area with less details.

APPendIx b - mAP dATUm

A map datum is a mathematical description of the earth or a part of the earth and is based on the

ellipsoid or the arc of an ellipsoid that most closely represents the area being described. In addition,

the datum is centered at a specific location (the datum origin). A datum may describe a small

part of the earth, such as California or Iceland or may describe the entire earth, such as WGS84,

depending on which ellipsoid or ellipsoidal arc is selected.

Since datums use different ellipsoids and origins, the LAT/LON coordinates of the same position

differs from one datum to another. The difference may be slight or great, depending on the datums

involved, but will affect the apparent accuracy of the positioning information provided by a GPS

receiver. GPS (and all of the Geopilot II Plus cartridges) use the WGS84 datum, which is the model

of the earth that is the closest possible average of the planet as a whole. Your chart datum is usually