2 nmea outputs – AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

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> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “GENERAL SETUP” + ‘ENT’ +


Choose the language you want and press ‘ENT’ again to confirm.

2.5 exTernAl ConneCTIonS

2.5.1 Internal/external GPS Source

The Geopilot II Plus has an internal GPS Receiver. Be sure the Fix Source is set to Internal GPS to

receive data from this internal receiver.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENTER’ + “FIX SETUP” + ‘ENTER’ + “FIX


Choose Internal GPS and press ‘ENTER’ to confirm. Otherwise if the Geopilot II Plus is using an

external NMEA0183 positioning source, set the Fix Source as External NMEA0183. The recognized

Input NMEA0183 messages are the following: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, HDG, HDM, HDT, PCMPA,

RMC, VHW, VTG (see Appendix E for more details on NMEA sentences).

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENTER’ + “FIX SETUP” + ‘ENTER’ + “FIX


Choose External NMEA0183 and press ‘ENTER’ to confirm.

Fig. 2.5.1 - External Input

2.5.2 nmeA outputs

The Geopilot II Plus can be connected to external equipment that accepts NMEA0183 data input.

Once attached, the output of NMEA formatted position information can be enabled in the following



The default setting is Off. The Output NMEA0183 messages are the following: APA, APB, BOD,

BWC, GGA, GSA, GSV, GLL, HSC, RMA, RMB, RMC, VTG, WCV, XTE (see Appendix F for more

details on NMEA sentences) BOD, BWC, GGA, GLL, HSC, RMA, RMB, RMC, VTG, WCV, XTE (see

Appendix F for more details on NMEA sentences).

Fig. 2.5.2 - NMEA Connections