2 goto - moving map mode, 3 goto - quick info, 8 nearest search for goto flight plan activation – AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

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6.7.2 GoTo - moving map mode

To activate a GoTo Flight Plan from the Moving Map, press ‘GOTO’. A “GoTo” Menu box will

appear on the screen. You can select the current cursor position or select a Database object

category. When selecting the Database category, the Database menu will appear (see Chapter 8 for

details on searching the Database Menu). Once the desired object has been found, press ‘GOTO’

to activate.

The ‘GoTo’ menu changes according the navigation:

no navigation

- With NO FP displayed (currently in view EMPTY): the “ACTIVATE FP” option is removed

- With any non empty FP displayed the: “DIRECT TO FP WAYPOINT” option is added

Standard fP navigation

- With any non empty FP displayed the: “DIRECT TO FP WAYPOINT” option is added

Direct to FP Waypoint Navigation

- With any non empty FP displayed the: “DIRECT TO FP WAYPOINT” and “DEACTIVATE

DIRECT TO FP WAYPOINT” options are added The “ACTIVATE FP” item is removed.

direct to non fP navigation

- With NO FP displayed (currently in view EMPTY): the “ACTIVATE FP” option is removed

- With any non empty FP displayed the: “DIRECT TO FP WAYPOINT” option is added


GOTO’ creates a temporary Flight Plan that is not stored in the Geopilot II Plus memory.

6.7.3 GoTo - Quick Info

From the QUICK INFO menu when there are many Aeronautical Objects near the CURSOR press

GO TO to navigate, PUSH and HOLD GO TO to ADD a LEG to the FLIGHT PLAN.

6.8 neAreST SeArCh for GoTo flIGhT PlAn ACTIvATIon

Pressing ‘NEAR’ at any time will provide a list of the 13 Nearest Database objects. The first page to

appear will be the last chosen category of data. To select another category of data, press ‘MENU’

to display the available categories.

Fig. 6.2 - Nearest function with Nearest menu opened

The Nearest page will display the identifiers, bearing To and From, Distance and Estimated Time