9 approach data procedures – AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

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9 APProACh dATA ProCedUreS


The Geopilot II Plus is not certified for use as the only navigation device during Instrument Flight Rules as established
by the FAA. Instrument approach points displayed in the unit are for information only and do not establish authority
for a pilot to fly the IFR approach procedure in actual instrument flying conditions. For IFR flight. The final “Approach
Segment & Missed Approach Point” the Geopilot II Plus is to be used strictly as a monitoring instrument only.

An approach procedure is a series of pre-determined maneuvres for the orderly transfer of an

aircraft, under instrument flight conditions, from the beginning of the initial approach to a point

from which a safe landing may be made visually. Generally, the approach pattern and procedure is

not chosen until arrival in close proximity of the destination airport, since conditions may change on

route. To activate an “Approach” it is necessary to have an active “Flight Plan” or “GOTO”.

For each airport with at least one published final approach, there exists one or more named

approach procedures. Each approach procedure can be related to a runway and to nearby NavAids

(such as ILS, VOR, NDB, GPS...).

9.1 APProACh from The movInG mAP


You must start with an empty flight plan.

While navigating or planning in the moving map screen, the pilot will not be able to establish an

approach on a flight plan, without changing into the Flight Plan mode, but can place the cursor over

the selected airport. To display the quick data box press:

> ‘ENT’ 1 sec + ‘ENT’ (for detailed information).

The detailed information on the airport will be displayed, beginning with the general information

and frequencies. By pressing the cursor key on the left, the approaches for the chosen airport will

display in the box and the bearing for the viewed approach will display on the moving map. By

continuing to press the cursor key on the left the other approaches for the airport will display, the

last bearing for the last approach viewed will become white on the moving map and the bearing for

the viewed approach will be displayed in black on the moving map.


The white approach bearings will disappear once the screen redraws itself.

9.2 APProACh from flIGhT PlAn dATAbASe

Refer to Chapter 6 for Flight Planning.

Flight Plan mode allows the pilot to plan and activate up to ten flight plans with up to 100 individual

legs each. Now the Geopilot II Plus allows the pilot to pre-program an approach at the destination

end of the flight plan and to change the approach as desired.

Once an airport is present as a final waypoint in the flight plan, press ‘MENU’ and “SELECT

APPROACH” + ‘ENT’ and the available approaches for the destination airport will be displayed.

Highlight the approach desired, press ‘ENT’ and the waypoints associated for that approach will

show in the flight plan list. Press ‘ESC’ + ‘ESC’ and the flight plan will appear on the moving map.

To change the desired approach for the airport, if one is selected