AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

Page 82

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activating Home mode.


- Data Window is an information panel representing customized data fields. The

layout of these fields depends on the screen mode.


- A collection of data that can be accessed by the user for airports, VORs, NDBs,

Intersections and User Waypoints.


- A method of assigning position coordinates to real-world locations. Based on an

underlying ellipsoidal model of the earth and subject to other scientific assumptions. Identified

by a unique name, such as WGS84 or NAD2.


- The value or setting automatically chosen by the Geopilot II Plus unless directed


DEGREE - 1/360th of a circle. On a Great Circle, 1° = 60 min.


- DIFFERENTIAL GPS - Provides even greater positioning accuracy than standard GPS.


- Distance Measuring Equipment


- Altitude above sea level (MSL). Usually refers to field Elevation of an airport. Also

refers to a satellite’s height above the horizon.

ePhemerIS dATA

- Data on the specific location of a satellite that is collected from that satellite

when it is first located and is periodically updated while the satellite is being tracked. Remains

current for up to 2 hours.


- ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL - The estimated time of day the destination Waypoint will be

reached, based on your current speed and the distance to destination.


- ESTIMATED TIME ENROUTE - The estimated time needed to reach your destination, based

on your current speed and the distance to destination.


- It is collection of information (of the same type) stored on a User COMPACT FLASH. Each

file must have a unique name, ideally one that describes its contents. File names are kept in a

directory on each User COMPACT FLASH.


- FLIGHT PLAN - A planned course of travel, with one to twenty-five legs, each with its own

origin and destination.

fP leG

- The line connecting two waypoints within a Flight Plan.


- FLIGHT SERVICE STATIONS - Provide pilot briefings en route.


- BURN RATE Fuel burn rate in a cruise configuration.

GlIde SloPe

- The desired descent path for Vertical Navigation.


- GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM - A satellite based navigation system operated by the

US Department of Defense. It operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year under any weather



- GEOMETRIC QUALITY - A measurement of the geometry of the satellites used to triangulate

the position. A low GQ is inaccurate and generates a GQ warning. Navigation data should be

used with caution when the GQ warning appears.

GreAT CIrCle

- Distance measured along the curved surface of the earth. Over long distances, a

Great Circle distance is more accurate than a Rhumb Line distance measured from a mercator



- GROUND SPEED - The speed over the ground; can vary from air speed as it is affected by

the prevailing winds.


- HEADING - The direction your aircraft is facing, defined as an angle from true or magnetic



- HORIZONTAL DILUTION OF PRECISION - It is the index for position-fixing accuracy. The

smaller the HDOP value, indicates a better position calculation.


(mode) - The Home (called also Screen Amplifier) mode is used to keep the fix position

within the visible map. The map is scrolled and redrawn automatically when the fix position is

moved. When this mode is active the cursor is hidden.


- A symbol shown on any display as a representation of a Waypoint .


- An abbreviated name that is assigned to an airport or navaid. The identifier may be

any combination of letters and numbers, up to five characters in length.


- INTERSECTION - A Waypoint defined by any combination of courses or radials between two

or more navaids. Enroute and terminal intersections are part of the Geopilot II Plus Database.


- KNOTS - One Knot is a unit of speed equal to one Nautical Mile per hour.