AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

Page 69

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Options are: NONE, WAAS, RTCM 1200, RTCM 2400, RTCM 4800, RTCM 9600, RTCM 19200,

RTCM 38400. The default setting is NONE. WAAS corrections are handled by the internal GPS

receiver and do not require additional equipment.

14.2.3 fix Symbol

A flashing icon on the Moving Map displays the GPS position fix.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “FIX SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “FIX SYMBOL”

+ ‘ENT’

This setting allows you to select among a Plane or Standard (circle with an “X”) icon. The default

setting is Plane.

14.2.4 Static navigation

A GPS-receiver can produce speed settings that are minimal when standing still. The Static

Navigation sets a threshold for the speed. When the speed received from the positioning device is

under 0.89 knots, the Geopilot II Plus displays zero. The default setting is On.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “FIX SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “STATIC


14.2.5 Course Predictor

The Geopilot II Plus will display a line with a circle at the end to indicate the position your aircraft

will reach at the set time, based on current direction of travel and speed. This is continuously

updated to account for changes.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “FIX SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “COURSE


Setting options are: OFF, INFINITE, 1 MIN, 3 MIN, 6 MIN, 10 MIN, 30 MIN, 1 HOUR, 2 HOURS.

The default setting is 10 MIN.

14.2.6 head Up response

The Head Up Response is related to the Track-up mode of operation. When displaying the position

fix in Track-up, the setting selected here will enable the heading to vary +/- the degree selected

before the map is redrawn. A higher number here will result in less redraw time.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “FIX SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “HEAD UP


Setting options are: +/-5, +/-10, +/-15, +/-45, +/-90. The default setting is +/-15.

14.3 AlArm SeT-UP

The Geopilot II Plus provides alarm settings for various functions. Here you can set the system for

your navigational requirements.

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “SYSTEM SETUP” + ‘ENT’ + “ALARM SETUP” + ‘ENT’

14.3.1 Arrival Alarm radius

Specifies the radius of a circle around the Waypoint of a Route: when your aircraft reaches a point

within this circle an alarm sounds and the Waypoint Arrival box appears on screen.