Troubleshooting – AvMap GEOSAT 4 TRUCK User Manual
Page 49

The map updates available for Geosat are
provided on DVD. To install Geosend, the
software that allows you to program Hard
Disc with the updated cartography.
1. Start your PC.
2. Insert the map update DVD in the DVD
driver. Do not connect Geosat to the PC.
3. Launch the Geosend setup and follow the
instructions. Once the setup has been
completed, restart the PC.
4. Connect Geosat to the PC via the USB cable.
During this operation the Geosat must be
turned off. The unit will be powered via the
USB cable. The display will remain off for
the whole operation.
5. Launch Geosend. Click on the Transfer
icon on the left hand side of the screen.
6. In the same way, you can go to the transfer
page and choose the language/s required
for the voice instructions. Then click on the
‘Transfer to Geosat’ button.
7. Once the transfer is completed, close the
program and disconnect the USB cable
from Geosat.
13.1 Ram Clear
The Ram Clear is a memory reset that can be
carried out in case of fatal error or to reset
the memory in order to restore the default
settings. Attention: this operation will delete
your Marks if they have not been saved with
the File Manager.
1. Connect the power supply of your AvMap
Geosat. The unit has to be turned off at
that time.
2. Power on the navigator with the PAGE
button pressing at the same time the FIND
button. Hold both keys until the ‘System
Test’ window is displayed.
3. Select Ram Clear with the JOYSTICK, then
13. Troubleshooting
Microsoft ® Windows® ME / 2000 / XP or
2003 Server
486 DX2 Processor or higher
64 Mb ram (suggested)
64 Mb free space on the hard disk
256 colour Monitor (resolution 800x600 px
or higher)
USB Port