AvMap GEOSAT 4 TRUCK User Manual
Page 23

• Trip Computer
Pressing again the PAGE button, the unit
will display pictures or films coming from
the Video PAL, NTSC input (only when an
external device is connected to the audio
video input).
6.3 Driver mode
When the Driver mode is chosen, these
pages are available:
• Trip computer
• List of instructions
• Full display instructions
6.4 2D and 3D views
With the Geosat you can view the map in 2D
or 3D.
2D: the map is bi-dimensional; this view
allows clear reading of all the names of the
surrounding roads.
3D: the map has a perspective view for a
more lifelike navigation. This view can only
be used for navigation with a GPS signal,
while consultation of the map and simulation
take place in 2D.
When in 3D view, if you press ESC to move to
cursor mode, the view automatically changes
• Graphic of speed
to 2D; press ESC to return to 3D view.
To set the map view read par. 11.3.
6.5 Night vision
With Geosat it is possible to set the night
vision for a safer consultation and driving at
night. With the night vision, the colour palette
is changed so that menu and cartography are
readable but not disturbing in absence of
light. To switch to the auto night vision:
1. Press and hold for 1 second the POWER
button to open the Brightness Menu.
2. Select with the cursor Night vision and
confirm by pressing the + button.
It is also possible to set the auto night vision