AvMap Geosat 4 TRAVEL Europe User Manual
Page 45

11.11 Simulator
• Dutch
• Czech
• Polish
• Slovenian
• Slovakian
• Català (only voice)
• Greek (only voice)
Not all the languages that are available for text
messages are available for voice prompts.
To have all the available languages it is
suggested that you update the software
periodically. You can always obtain the latest
software version, free of charge by visiting
then set the desired value moving the
cursor either up or down.
• Route: the icon moves along the planned
route at the set speed.
• Speed: to set the average speed for the
simulation. Select the speed with the
JOYSTICK and then set the desired value
moving the cursor either up and down.
• Heading: set the heading to be followed
(only for straight simulation).
• Demo mode: when this option is checked
a demo of all the navigation functions
will run on the display. The demo can be
paused by pressing any button; after a
minute of inactivity, the demo mode starts
again. To stop the demo, deselect the demo
11.12 Interface
The serial port can be configured with
different communication protocols:
• TMC: the serial port is set to communicate
with an external TMC receiver (traffic data
in real time)
• NMEA: the serial port is set to communicate
through standard protocol NMEA 0183
You can plan a route and view a simulation
of the navigation without connecting the GPS
antenna. In the simulation window check the
simulation option, and Geosat will display
the vehicle icon moving on the route as if you
were navigating for real.
Sets the simulation mode:
• Straight: the vehicle icon moves on the
map following the set heading and speed
without following a route. To modify the
heading select it with the JOYSTICK and