AvMap Geosat 4 TRAVEL Europe User Manual
Page 38

launch it.
3. Connect the navigator (without feeding
it) to the PC through the USB cable. If the
navigator is correctly connected it will
beep and the display will stay off.
4. Now use the Geosend application in your
PC to transfer files from the PC to the
navigator. Click on the transfer icon and
then on the Transfer database button.
5. Browse the PC to select the downloaded
6. Associate the database to a safety camera
category and icon (fixed speed cameras,
mobile, traffic lights, special).
The files will be loaded on the navigator and
converted into the AvMap format.
Geosat 4 TRAVEL and Geosat 4 TRAVEL
In these models the DVD is not provided but
it is possible to download the same kind of
application from www.avmap.it web site.
1. Click on support.
2. Click on FAQ’s and Downloads.
3. Select the model of navigator from the
drop down menu.
4. Click on software update: the latest version
will be displayed.
5. Click on download.
6. Insert Login and Password received with
the product registration.
If the software has never been updated it
is necessary to register the product and
download the drivers (read par 12.1).
Once the GSUPDATE application is
downloaded and launched, it can be used
to update the software or just to transfer the
POI database from the Pc to the navigator.
1. Click on the Transfer database button.
2. Browse the PC to select the downloaded
3. Associate the database to a safety camera
category and icon (fixed speed cameras,
mobile, traffic lights, special).
The files will be loaded on the navigator and
converted into the AvMap format.
10.4 APRS
APRS is a system developed by Bob Bruninga,
WB4APR, which uses amateur radio to
transmit position reports, weather reports,
and messages between amateur radio users.
APRS stands for Automatic Position reporting
System. It is the integration of Hardware
weather conditions
d. In the time to go, the software will compute
the delay due to traffic event
The software will allow the driver to choose
whether to modify the route to avoid the
traffic event.
To view the status of the TMC receiver
1. Press the MENU button twice.
2. Select Traffic info and confirm by pressing
the + button.
The Traffic info window will open and display
all the data related to the TMC receiver.
10.3 Safety Camera database
In some countries safety cameras POI
databases are publicly available from several
sources such as web sites. It is possible to
import these databases in .ov2 format into
Geosat navigators.
To load the safety cameras POIs on the map:
Geosat 4 TRAVEL Platinum
1. Insert the DVD Europe / North America
provided in the box in the DVD player of
you PC
2. Install the AvMap Geosend application and