Compaq Presario 7360 User Manual

Page 205

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Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – An Internet address that specifies the
location of information. Also known as Universal Resource Locator.

Universal Resource Locator (URL)See Uniform Resource Locator

Universal Serial Bus (USB) – A Plug-and-Play interface that allows up to 127
devices to be connected sequentially into a single external USB port. See daisy
chain, USB port.

upload – To send a copy of a file to a remote computer. Contrast download.

UPSSee uninterruptible power supply.

URLSee Uniform Resource Locator.

USBSee Universal Serial Bus.

USB port – A device that transmits data at a rate of 12 Mbps through a USB cable.
A variety of devices are supported, such as USB monitors, keyboards, and printers.
See Universal Serial Bus.

utility – A program that assists with the operation of a computer, such as a power
management program or anti-virus program.

V.90 Standard – A standard endorsed by the International Telecommunication
Union that makes it possible for modems to communicate without regard to
technological differences. The k56flex standard is incorporated into the V.90
standard, ensuring compatibility between V.90-enabled and K56flex-enabled

Video CDSee digital video disc.

videophoneSee Intel VideoPhone.

virtual memorySee memory.

virus – A harmful computer program that may cause damage to data or programs.
See anti-virus utility.

WANSee wide area network.

WebSee World Wide Web.

Web browser – A program that makes it possible to access and view hypertext