Compaq Presario 7360 User Manual

Page 202

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PC Card – A credit card-sized device that can be plugged into a PC Card slot on a
notebook computer to expand its functionality. Formerly known as a PCMCIA
Card. See Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.

PCISee Peripheral Component Interconnect.

PCMCIASee Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.

peripheral – A device connected to a computer, such as a monitor or a printer.

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) – A local bus capable of transferring
data at a maximum rate of 137 Mbps. The PCI bus was the first bus to incorporate
the Plug and Play setup. See bus, Plug and Play.

Personal Computer Memory Card International Association – An industry
group organized to promote standards for credit card-sized memory and
input/output devices that fit into a notebook or laptop computer.

pixel – One of the individual dots that make up a graphical image.

playlist – Tracks chosen for play from a CD or DVD.

Plug and Play – Refers to a device that when connected to a computer is
automatically recognized by the operating system and BIOS.

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) – An instruction set that enables a computer to
gain authorized access to a network using dial-up networking, a modem, and a
standard telephone line. Many Internet service providers use PPP.

pop-up menu – A list of choices that is displayed when an item on a menu bar is

port – A point through which data flows between computers or between a
computer and a peripheral device. See parallel port, serial port.

PPPSee Point-to-Point Protocol.

processorSee microprocessor.

Product Key – The Microsoft Windows operating system product identification
code printed on the lower right corner of the cover of the Microsoft Windows
Getting Started
guide. You must enter this code during the Microsoft Windows

program – Software installed on a computer that facilitates the performance of
useful work, such as a word processing program.