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Standard programs Determination of the AOCS Cc 13 e (Lovibond


) scale

The calculation of the Lovibond color values is derived from the

methods AOCS Cc 13e or BS 684 -1.14 and based on the

yellow/red values (5 1/2 inch or 1 inch) of the AF900/AF960

instruments. On the printout, the 1" values are identified by a 1. Determination of the Yellowness Index (ASTM D 1925)

The Yellowness Index is calculated and displayed according to

ASTM D 1925 for standard illuminant C and a 2° standard

observer. This color value can be measured in 10 mm, 11 mm or

50 mm cuvettes.
The Yellowness Index is calculated as follows:

Y i = 100 Ч ( 1.277 Ч X 1.059 × Z ) / Y Determination of the Hess-Ives color number

The Hess-Ives color number is used in the cosmetics industry to

evaluate the color of fat derivatives. It combines in one number

the weighted color intensities, which represent the red, green and

blue parts of the transmittance spectrum of the sample at

3 wavelengths. It is defined in DGK 8 method no. F 050.2 and

calculated and displayed in accordance with this method. The

Hess-Ives color number is calculated from:

H - I = ((R + G + B) ×6) / path length

R, G and B are the color components for the red (640 nm), green

(560 nm) and blue (464 nm) parts. For R,G and B:

R = 43.45 × E


G = 162.38 × E


B = 22.89 × (E


+ E


) / 2 Determination of the ADMI color number

The ADMI color number is used to measure the color of water

and wastewater having color characteristics significantly different

from platinum-cobalt standards, as well as to those similar in hue

to the standards.
The American Dye Manufacturers Institute (ADMI) has adopted

the Platinum-Cobalt standard of the American Public Health

Association (APHA) as the standard for color value. Although this

standard is yellow, the ADMI method works for all hues.
The measurements can be taken using 10 mm, 11 mm or 50 mm

cuvettes. A longer path length increases the measurement

accuracy (50 mm path length is recommended).
Turbid samples must be filtered prior to analysis.

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