3 continuous – ALTANA Micro-Gloss Manual User Manual
Page 32

Measurement Modes
7.3 Continuous
You can use this function to perform up to 99
measurements at an adjustable measurement
interval. This is helpful when you are covering large
samples and you want to evaluate the homogeneity
of the surface.
Activate Continuous under Mode from the Main
A screen appears for starting a new sequence.
To start the measurement, press operate. The unit
now performs measurements up to 99 times at the
set interval. Measurement values are shown in the
display after each measurement.
You can interrupt the continuous measurement by
pressing the operate button (hold it down briefly).
The number of measurements, the mean value, the
minimum and the maximum appear in the display.
The Pause symbol on the left side indicates that
you can continue the sequence, therefore press the
operate button.
To end the sequence, press mode.
For starting a new sequence, press operate again
If saving is activated, a screen appears at start of a
new sequence, which allows to enter a sample
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