Hardy Enviro Bench Scales User Manual

Page 32

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Section 7: Operations






3. Press Program/Enter to display Hold X, where X is either Y or N.

4. Press Over/Under/Next to display Hold Y if necessary.


Note: Peak Hold function must not be used with Checkweighing.

5. Press Program/Enter to display CSaved, and returns to weigh mode.

Indicator is now in Peak Hold mode.

To operate peak hold:

1. Press the 1 button to activate Peak Hold mode. The first three indicators for UNDER, ACCEPT and

OVER will flash indicating Peak Hold is active. Also the indicators on the 1, 2, and 3 buttons will be

2. The display will now freeze on the largest weight applied to the bench scale. It will remain there even

after weight is removed.

3. To deactivate the Peak Hold function while retaining the current peak weight, press the 2 button.

Indicator will now return to normal weigh mode. Any weight applied now will not affect the stored
peak weight.

4. To deactivate Peak Hold and clear the current peak weight, press the 3 button. Indicator now returns

to normal weigh mode.

5. To reactivate Peak Hold after pressing either 2 or 3


press 1.

Check Weighing

The Enviro™ Series indicator uses a three color bar graph to indicate an item’s weight within three bands,
Under, Accept, and Over. It is capable of storing four “recipes” or different Checkweigh configurations for
four different products. Default selections are underlined.

Configuring Checkweigh mode:

1. Press and hold Over/Under/Next until display indicates Chec.

2. Press Program/Enter to display rec 1. This indicates that the indicator is ready to accept

configuration of recipe 1.

3. If another recipe is to be configured, press Over/Under/Next to scroll through to rec 2, rec 3, or rec


4. With the desired recipe displayed, press Program/Enter to display EnA Y, or ENA N.


Note: If ENA N is selected in this step, the indicator will advance to the next enabled recipe,

or return to the Chec prompt if none are enabled.

5. To toggle between choices press over/under/next. Selecting Y will enable the current recipe, and

selecting N will disable it.

6. Press Program/Enter to advance to nEt n, or net y.

7. Press Over/Under/Next to toggle between nEt n, (Checkweigh in gross mode) or net y,

(Checkweigh in net mode).

8. Press Program/Enter to display diS Y, or dis n. This will determine whether the numeric display is

active or not while Checkweighing is active.

9. Press Over/Under/Next to toggle between diS Y, and dis n.


Note: If weighing in net mode and numeric display is active, the indicator can accidentally

be placed in the GROSS mode and the display then might not match the Checkweigh