Hardy Enviro Bench Scales User Manual
Page 15

Section 6: Serial I/O
P: Programming Port 1 Parity setting: The display will indicate p along with the current setting. Press
over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter the selection.
Available selections are:
P nonE
P odd
P EvEn
Busy: Programming Port 1 handshaking: The display will indicate xxbusy, where xx is either no, lo, or hi.
Press over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter the selection.
Opti: Include time data with transmitted data: This determines whether or not to include the time in the data
string for Port 1. Display will indicate opti followed by the current selection of Y for yes to include, or n for
no to exclude. Press over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter
the selection.
Opda: Include date data with transmitted data: This determines whether or not to include the date in the data
string for Port 1. Display will indicate opda followed by the current selection of Y for yes to include, or n for
no to exclude. Press over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter
the selection.
Opid: Include ID data with transmitted data: This determines whether or not to include the ID in the data
string for Port 1. Display will indicate opid followed by the current selection of Y for yes to include, or n for
no to exclude. Press over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter
the selection.
Port 2: Programming Port 2: The display will indicate port 2, then output, then the current setting. Press
over/under/next, units or tare to scroll through the available choices. Press Program/Enter to enter the
correct selection. Available selections are:
OFF Function
Computer demand mode with ID.
Note: If b/g / net is pressed after Port 2, the indicator will revert back to ID.
Baud: Programming Port 2 baud rate: The display will indicate baud then the current setting. Press
Over/Under/Next or units to scroll up, or tare to scroll down through the available choices. Press
Program/Enter to enter the selection. Available selections are:
1200 2400 4800
9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Dbit: Programming Port 2 data bits: The display will indicate dbit x where x is either 7 or 8. Press
over/under/next, units, or tare to select proper value. Press Program/Enter to enter proper selection.
P: Programming Port 2 Parity setting: The display will indicate p along with the current setting. Press
over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter the selection.
Available selections are:
P nonE
P odd
P EvEn
Opti: Include time data with transmitted data: This determines whether or not to include the time in the data
string for Port 2. Display will indicate opti followed by the current selection of Y for yes to include, or n for
no to exclude. Press over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter
the selection.
Opda: Include date data with transmitted data: This determines whether or not to include the date in the data
string for Port 2. Display will indicate opda followed by the current selection of Y for yes to include, or n for
no to exclude. Press over/under/next, units or tare to change the selection. Press Program/Enter to enter
the selection.