Gross/tare/net weighing – Hardy Enviro Bench Scales User Manual
Page 29

Section 7: Operations
3. Place container/object on scale (Tare weight).
4. Press the tare key.
5. Place material in container or add objects (Net weight).
6. Read the net weight on the display.
Gross/Tare/Net Weighing
1. Press the B/G / Net key, if required, to set display to GR (gross).
2. Press the Zero key, if required, to set scale to “0.”
3. Place container/object on scale (Tare weight).
4. Press the Tare key.
5. Place material in container or add objects (Net weight).
6. Read the net weight on the display.
7. Press the B/G / Net key to switch to Gross and view Gross weight.
Weight Accumulation
Starting accumulation mode
1. If indicator is not in accumulate mode, press and hold tare to enable accumulate mode. Indicator will
display acc on briefly.
Note: If Accumulate function is not enabled in setup menu, display will flash and return to
displaying current weight without showing acc-on.
2. Press zero, if required, to set scale to “0.”
3. If accumulation is using a container, apply container and press tare to place scale in net mode.
4. Put the product to be accumulated on the bench scale.
There are four possibilities of configuring the accumulation function. Each one will be addressed separately as
Port 1 set to auto and aout set to yes.
1. After weight is applied, and if the weight is greater than the accumulate threshold, the indicator will
flash all the green ACCEPT LEDs for one second showing that the weight has been stored as an
accumulation and then transmit the following data string:
“Weight nn = wwwwww uu GR/NT”
nn is the number of the current accumulated weight in numerical order.
wwwwww is the last accumulated weight.
uu is the unit of weight accumulated.
GR or NT represent whether accumulated weight is gross or net respectively.
2. Weight on the scale must now be removed to less than .5 grads before the next accumulation can
3. If a reprint of the last accumulated weight is required, press print and port 1 will retransmit the string
indicated above.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 to continue accumulations (up to 99).