Hangar 9 Pulse XT 60 ARF User Manual
Page 19
Step 5
Thread one of the servo mounting screws into each of
the pre-drilled holes for the rudder and elevator servos
as shown. This will cut the threads into the wood in
preparation for the following step.
Note: If you are installing a glow engine,
it is suggested to prepare the holes for
the throttle servo at this time as well.
Step 6
After cutting the threads into the wood, apply a few drops
of thin CA to each of the pre-drilled holes to harden the
surrounding wood. This will provide a better surface for
the screws and prevent vibration from loosening the
screws in flight.
Step 7
Prepare the rudder servo by installing the grommets and
brass eyelets provided with the servo. Plug the rudder
servo into the receiver and use the radio system to center
the servo. Install a 180-degree servo horn onto the rudder
servo as shown.
Note: The rudder and elevator servos
are mirror images of each other. Use
the following image to differentiate
which servos are for rudder and elevator
when performing the next steps.
Section 3: Rudder and Elevator Installation