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Fritsch GmbH expressly disclaims every explicit or implied,
contractual or arising from improper handling or a fixed
contractual, statutorial or other liability, warranty or other
obligation in respect of compensation obligations. Under no
circumstances shall Fritsch GmbH accept liability, resp., are you
entitled to compensation, for any special, direct, indirect,
incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to
lost profits, lost savings, lost revenues or economic losses of any
kind, or for compensation obligations towards third parties for
downtime, goodwill, damage to or replacement of equipment and
property, for the costs or restoration of materials or goods in
connection with the product or the utilisation of our products, for
other damage or personal injury (including death) or the like. In
so far as the law or adjudications require a mandatory liability,
the above disclaimer is to be considered as limited. A liability for
negligence is excluded in every case.

No explicit, implied or other rights of usage are granted for
patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights. Likewise,
we assume no responsibility for patent infringements or violations
of the rights of third parties arising from the use of this product.

Both adherence with these operating instructions and the
conditions and methods of installation, operation, usage and
maintenance of the product cannot be monitored by Fritsch
GmbH. Improper execution of the installation can lead to property
damage and, as a result, also place people at risk. Accordingly,
we accept no responsibility or liability for losses, damages or
expenses resulting from, or in any way connected with, defective
installation and improper operation, as well as from incorrect
utilisation and maintenance.