COP-USA DVRPRO04 User Manual
Page 113

Figure A-2: NAS setting
Note: One NAS can connect multiple DVR hosts, in order not to confound
the back-up data, their folders’ names should be different.
6.User ill in the login user account on AS.
7.Password: ill in the password for the corresponding user.
8.Overwrite: If you want to recycle your backup AS storage when
storage is full, click the Overwrite checkbox to enable it. nce
overwrite enabled, AS will initiate deleting files. The deletion will be
based on the free space lesser or equal to the Lowerbound. This
procedure will be continued till the free space is more or equal to the
9.Backup Period: DVR will not keep archiving data to AS, the
ackup Period is the time interval to make sure AS synchroni ed
with the DVR and backup new data to AS. In default, the system
will auto backup data every 1 minutes.
10.Volume: Volume” is the total available space for your DVR
AS can backup the data of various DVR hosts, and here we
refer to the available space of your DVR can have .
when Volume set up as 10 , pperbound 400M , Lowerbound
200M . nce the free space on AS lesser than 200M , system will
delete the oldest files, till the free space more than 400M .