Restore file window – Checkline DT-209X User Manual
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Restore File Window
4. Download – download saved data from the DT-209X. All blocks are
displayed based from their occurrence. (Keystroke shortcut ALT + D).
5. Print – print function for the displayed table. Size of print out is dependent
on the attached printer settings. (Keystroke shortcut ALT + P).
6. Clear Device Memory – erases stored data from the tachometer. Once
clear device memory is selected, the data from the tachometer cannot be
retrieved further.
Selecting the clear device memory opens a dialogue window informing the
user if the data displayed is not yet saved.
Selecting “YES” opens the File save window; selecting “NO” opens a
confirmation window, selecting Cancel exits out of the Clear Device
Memory Function. Shown below is the confirmation window.
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