Checkline WTT-110 User Manual
Wtt-110 c, Alibration, Nstructions

The WTT-110 Pull Tester has been calibrated in accordance with factory
proceedures and is certified to perform within the stated accuracy
specifications. Assuming the unit is handled with care and operated as
detailed in this manual it should remain accurate for an extended time
period. If however, it is subjected to forces that exceed its maximum range
or if it is not properly cared for, it might need to be recalibrated.
It is recommended that the calibration is verified at least on an annual
basis and more frequently if feasible. Normally, instruments of this type
go out of tolerance from one day to the next and rarely on a regular
periodic basis.
A calibration procedure is provided in this manual, however it should only
be performed by individuals properly trained for this type of service and
with the appropriate certified standards (known weights or secondary
force measuring system such as a load cell, etc.).
Remove the lever by unscrewing it in a counter-clockwise
direction and move the Wire Clamp assembly out from
the path of the hanging sample.
Position the WTT-110 in a vertical position so that the
keypad & display are at the top (refer to photo). Be sure
to secure it so it can not topple over when the weight is
Using a heavy-duty monofilament (fishing line), wire or
similar, suspend a 50 Kg weight from one of the teeth
on the wire terminal fixture by hooking a loop of the
material over the selected tooth.
Temporarily, remove the weight and follow the
Re-Calibration Procedures shown on side 2.
Re-Calibration Set-up
Make sure that the WTT-110 is well secured in the
vertical position. Select a material that is strong
enough to support 50 Kg of weight.
WTT-110 C