CANOGA PERKINS L351 10/100BASE Media Converter User Manual

Page 68

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EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System


L351 10/100BASE Media Converter

5.1.3 Measure Transmitter Output Power

To measure the output power, follow these steps:

1. Clean the connectors on the fiber optic test cable, then plug it in to the Tx connector on the L351.

2. Warm up each component for at least 30 minutes.

3. Set the optical power meter to the proper wavelength.

4. Wait two or three minutes for the power reading to stabilize, and then read the output power.

5. Subtract out the test cable loss, then record the power level and compare it to the value on the

performance sheet for that particular L351. Measurement tolerance is +/- 0.5 dBm.

Note: When referencing optical power levels with numerical values less than zero, the reading

closer to zero is the greater value; for example, -17 dBm is greater than -20 dBm.

6. If the reading is incorrect, repeat the measurement with a different test cable. If the power level is

still not within range, call Technical Support.

7. After calculating the link attenuation, subtract that value from the L351 Tx output value to

determine the power expected at the remote cable end, which is the input power at the remote

5.1.4 Measure Receiver Input Power

If you know the link attenuation, skip this section. Otherwise, follow these steps to use the L351 to
measure the link attenuation.

1. At the local site, connect the fiber link cable to Tx on the L351.

2. At the remote site, set the optical power meter to the proper wavelength and connect it to the fiber

link cable.

3. Record the optical power level and compare it with the sensitivity level listed on the data sheet

for the link fiber type.

4. Subtract the remote power level from the value for the transmitter output power at the local site.

The result provides the link loss, in dB. The received power level must not be lower than the Rx
sensitivity nor greater than the Rx saturation listed in the optical specification for the model of
L351 or SFP used.

Note: If you cannot determine the Rx sensitivity, contact Canoga Perkins Technical Support

Department for assistance.