Reinstalling drivers and utilities – Dell Dimension 8100 User Manual
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— If you cannot solve your problem using the Dell support website
or e-mail service, call Dell for technical assistance (see page 69).
Reinstalling Drivers and Utilities
The Dell support website,
Dimension ResouuceCD
provide approved drivers for Dell computers. If you
Install drivers obtained from other sources, your computer might not work
Dell installed the following drivers on your eomputer:
Intel® Chip Set Update Utility driver - Tells the operating system how
to eonfigure eertain ehips on the system board.
Intel Ultra ATA Storage driver - Improves data transfers from storage
deviees like the hard drive.
Integrated 3Com® eontroller driver - Enables the built-in 3Com NIC
to properly eommunieate on a network.
3Com diagnosties driver - Enables diagnosties to run on the eomputer
and diagnose any problems.
3Com DMI driver - Enables software to eolleet information about a
Dell utilities - Ineludes Autoshutdown, Asset, and Autopower utilities.
Other drivers - Control the deviees, sueh as the modem, sound, and
video eards that might be installed in your eomputer. For information
on those drivers, double-eliek the Dell Documents ieon on the
Windows desktop, eliek System Information, and then eliek System
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