If you cannot play a music cd or install a – Dell Dimension 8100 User Manual

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background image


a n n o t

s a v e

f i l e s

t o


f l o p p y

d i s k

— Ensure that the floppy disk is

not full or write-proteeted (looked). See the following illustration.


e s t

t h e

d r i v e

w i t h

a n o t h e r

f l o p p y

d i s k

— Insert another floppy

disk to eliminate the possibility that the original floppy disk is defeetive.

back of floppy disk


not write-


HINT: High-speed CD

drive vibration is normal
and may cause noise. This
does not indicate a defect

in the drive or the CD.

If you cannot play a music CD or install a program from a CD


n s u r e

t h a t


i n d o w s

r e c o g n i z e s

t h e

d r i v e

— Double-click the

My Computer icon. If the CD drive is not listed, perform a full scan with your
antivirus software to check for and remove viruses. Viruses can sometimes

prevent Windows from recognizing the drive.


e s t

t h e

d r i v e

w i t h

a n o t h e r

CD— Insert another CD to eliminate the

possibility that the original CD is defeetive.


l e a n

t h e

d i s c

— See the Tell Me How help file for instruetions.


d j u s t

t h e


i n d o w s

v o l u m e

c o n t r o l

— Double-eliek the yellow

speaker ieon in the lower-right eorner of your sereen. Be sure that the volume is

turned up and that the sound is not muted.

2 ^ I S o l v i n g P r o b l e m s