Keyboard problems, Drive problems, If you cannot save a file to a floppy disk – Dell Dimension 8100 User Manual
Page 27: Mouse problems
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Mouse Problems
e c o n n e c t
t h e
m o u s e
c a b l e
Use the keyboard arrow keys to highlight Shut Down and then press the
After the computer turns off, reconnect the mouse cable as shown on the
START HERE sheet for your computer.
Start the computer.
h e c k
t h e
m o u s e
s e t t i n g s
— Click the Start button, select Control
Panel, and then double-click the Mouse icon. Try adjusting the settings.
Keyboard Problems
e c o n n e c t
t h e
k e y b o a r d
c a b l e
— Shut down the computer (see
page 14), reconnect the keyboard cable as shown on the START HERE sheet for
your computer, and then restart the computer.
Drive Problems
If you cannot save a file to a floppy disk
n s u r e
t h a t
i n d o w s
r e c o g n i z e s
t h e
d r i v e
— Double-eliek the
My Computer ieon. If the floppy drive is not listed, perform a full sean with your
antivirus software to eheek for and remove viruses. Viruses ean sometimes
prevent Windows from reeognizing the drive.
^ HINT: For information
on saving files to a floppy
disk, double-click the
Me How
help file icon on
your Windows desktop.
S o l v i n g P r o b l e m s I 2 7