Operating footprint and safe operating zone, Warning signs, Heads can start unexpectedly – Vinten Radamec HS-2010MED Pan & Tilt Head User Manual
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Safety & Introduction
User Manual
Operating Footprint And Safe Operating Zone
In most installations, the teleprompter is the piece of equipment mounted on the
head that protrudes the furthest. Or, it may be the manual control bars on the rear
that protrude the furthest. The operating footprint must take into account the
overhang of the teleprompter and/or manual control bars as the head pans, tilts
and is raised or lowered.
If your operating practices require personnel to work less than 3 feet (1m) out-
side the operating footprint, you must make sure that they are trained and are
aware of the hazards of working in a robot environment, including the specific
hazards listed below. The forces are sufficient to cause personal injury, or injury
to others and therefore, caution is essential.
Warning Signs
Warning signs should be displayed prominently in the workplace as a reminder
to trained personnel, and a primary warning to untrained personnel and visitors.
A typical sign might read:
Robotic Pedestals, Heads & Cameras
Move Suddenly Without Warning
Heads Can Start Unexpectedly
The hazards associated with robotic camera systems are only slightly different
than those associated with operating a camera under conventional manual con-
trol. The speeds and camera weights are similar. The main difference is that with
automation, the operator is normally not near the cameras, and it is more diffi-
cult to verify that the area is clear. For personnel working on or near the pedes-
tals, they must be aware that the equipment can start moving unexpectedly.
All personnel should be trained and aware of the hazards of robotic heads, and
the fact that they can move at any time. They must be trained on how far the
heads and payloads can move, the speeds involved, and the need to stay back an
appropriate distance.
Most adjustments to the camera and head, such as tilt balancing and camera
video, should be made with the system de-energized. However, if adjustments
are absolutely necessary while the head is powered, they should only be made
by trained technical personnel familiar with the AutoCam robotics system. They
must understand that the camera can move unexpectedly at any time, and must
position themselves so that any motion will not cause them personal harm.
When the robotic heads move, the speeds involved are fairly slow. However, the
equipment is still capable of generating sufficient force to cause injury. There-
fore, it is essential that you exercise caution. In particular, be aware that the tele-
prompter is usually the fastest swinging element.